Men on the Dragon – 逆流大叔
Description: A group of four telecommunications employees at Pegasus Broadband, headlined by Francis Ng in his most charming role in recent memory, begrudgingly join the company dragon boat team hoping such a pledge of loyalty will keep them immune from encroaching layoffs. Under the tutelage of the pretty young no-nonsense coach, Dorothy (Jennifer Yu) they learn not just how to really race, but also to confront their own impending mid-life crises. From nagging families and infidelity to unrequited love and elusive Andy Lau concert tickets, myriad demons are exorcised as our bungling protagonists overcome the odds and take charge in this life-affirming comedy-drama.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Release Date: 2018
Director: Sunny Chan
Cast: Francis Ng, Poon Chan-Leung, Tak-bun Wong, Jennifer Yu, Nancy Wu, Jacqueline Chong, Sham Ka-Ki, Tony Tsz-Tung, Wu Tinyee, Wong Ryan, Lau Ng, Fung Ming
92 Legendary La Rose Noire – 92黑玫瑰对黑玫瑰
1616 0Out of the Dark – 回魂夜 (1995) Echoes of the Thunder (2023) – 速戰 Description: 黄蝴蝶(邵美琪 饰)是一个失意的编剧,几经波折,已经堕落到向闺蜜阿娟(毛舜筠 饰)探讨三级片的程度。胡蝶的邻居警官吕奇(梁家辉 饰)对她颇有好感,后者在英雄救美后意外得到了她家的钥匙,然而他的不请自来,却落得狼狈而逃。因为事业接连遭受重创,胡蝶决定在江边横刀自尽,然而怯懦 的她终于没有自裁,反而盲打误撞惊扰了一对偷情的鸳鸯。后者仓皇逃窜,却遗留了一些私人财物。为了物归原主,胡蝶和阿娟一同登门,却无意中卷入了一场黑吃黑的血案。侥幸逃生的胡蝶临走前,还多事地留下了黑玫瑰的字条,而阿娟却因为留下了手印而被警方对号入座。结果,黑玫瑰成为了全城热议的话题,而这也引起了黑玫瑰掌门人(冯宝宝 饰)与师姐(黄韵诗 饰)的注意,于是一场剪不断理还乱的情场争夺战开始上演了…… 导演: 刘镇伟 编剧: 刘镇伟 主演: 梁家辉 / 邵美琪 / 毛舜筠 / 黄韵诗 / 冯宝宝 类型: 喜剧 / 动作
Tricky King (1998) – 超級整蠱霸王
2502 0The Seven Angels (1985) – 歡昌 United We Stand (1986) – 飛躍羚羊 Description:The third in the ‘Tricky’ series of films, Tricky King is another bonkers mix of bizarre slapstick comedy, speeded up chases, silly sound effects and practical-jokery from
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