McDull: Me & My Mum – 麦兜·我和我妈妈

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January 31, 2016
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Description:McDull (voiced by Zhang Zheng Zhong), Hong Kong’s most beloved cartoon pig, is not the brightest kid on the block, but his mother, the sensible Mrs. Mak (voiced by Sandra Ng), won’t let him off the hook.

McDull: Me & My Mum is McDull’s story about his childhood and how his mother made him into who he is now — Bobby Mak, renowned detective and star in his own popular show.
As a child, McDull watched as Mrs. Mak tried to make ends meet by working countless jobs, including appearing as a superheroine in a traveling roadshow, where she dispensed handy lifehacks, and occasional suspicious trips to “astronaut training.”
Of course, Mrs. Mak wasn’t really slated for a space flight. It was a bittersweet game of “pretend” to prepare McDull for her imminent death. Me & My Mum is a charming and nostalgic look into the strength of maternal love.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 81 Minutes
Release Date: 2014
Director: Brian Tse
Cast: Sandra Ng, Anthony Wong, BabyJohn, Li Yundi

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