Marry Me Now (English subtitles) – 같이 살래요

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March 16, 2018
Marry Me Now (English subtitles) - 같이 살래요 - Episode 01
Children of a Lesser God (English subtitles) - 작은 신의 아이들

Description: Park Yoo-Ha (Han Ji-Hye) studied hard in medical school and finished her intern course. She works hard to become a doctor due to her father. Her father raised 4 children by himself and her oldest sister also sacrificed for the family. Park Yoo-Ha is not interested in other people. Suddenly, her father marries a woman rich enough to own a building.

Meanwhile, Jung Eun-Tae (Lee Sang-Woo) works as a doctor. He volunteered for performing medical service abroad, but he comes back to Korea. Jung Eun-Tae is not interested in marriage, because his father placed priority on his medical work over family and Jung Eun-Tae believes he is like his father

Country: Korea
Release: 17 Mar 2018
Director: Baek Ho Min
Cast:  Han Ji-hye Lee Sang-woo Yoo Dong-geun Chang Mi-hee Park Sun-young Yeo Hoi-hyeon Keum Sae-Rok Kim Kwon Choi Jeong-woo Kim Mi-Kyung Park Se-Wan Kang Sung-Wook
Genre:  Drama Comedy Romance Family

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