Mama Fairy and the Woodcutter (English subtitles) – 계룡선녀전

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November 4, 2018
It’s My Life (English subtitles) - 비켜라 운명아
What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim (Cantonese) - 金秘書為何那樣

Description: This is a 100% pre-produced drama that is based on webtoon “계룡선녀전/Tale of Gyeryong Fairy” by “돌배 / Dol Bae” which was first published from 2017-March-1 via ““.

Sun Ok Nam (Moon Chae Won)is a fairy, who came down from Heaven during the Goryeo period and tooka bath at a waterfall on Gyeryong Mountain. While she took the bath, a woodcutter took her winged fairy clothes and hid them. Because of this, she could not return to Heaven. She ended up marrying the woodcutter andthey had two children together, but then her husband died from falling off of a cliff. She tried to find her fairy clothes, but couldn’t, so she decides to wait for husband to be reincarnated.

Now in the present day, she’s 699 years old and appears like a grandmother to most,but special people can see her true form, as a beautiful young woman. She runs a strange little coffee shop tucked away in the mountains that serves special hand-ground coffee. When she gets a feeling that one of two men visiting her coffee shop from Seoul is her reincarnated husband,she decides to follow them to Seoul to find out.
Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Moon Chae Won, Yoon Hyun Min, Seo Ji Hoon, Jun Soo Jin, Go Doo Shim, Kang Mi Na
Kim Yoon Chul
16 Episodes
05 November 2018
Production company(s):

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