Love of Nirvana (2024) – 流水迢迢 (English subtitles)

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September 13, 2024
Love of Nirvana (2024) - 流水迢迢 (English subtitles) - Episode 01
Go East (Cantonese)- 四方馆 (2024)

Description:Xiao Wu Xia, the young lord of Yueluo City, endured the humiliation and lurked in Liang Kingdom for many years. He changed his name to Wei Zhao and suffered the infamy of being a sycophant. In order to find out the truth about his family back then, Wei Zhao tried to kidnap the only survivor in the case. However, his carefully laid plan was ruined by the sudden appearance of the young girl Jiang Ci. Pei Yan took the opportunity to raise the seriously injured Jiang Ci into the mansion in order to find the “saboteur” behind the scenes.

Wei Zhao’s tragic life experience and his righteousness touched the innocent Jiang Ci. The two saw each other’s shining points and gradually developed mutual feelings for each other as they got along.

In the end, Wei Zhao, Jiang Ci, and Pei Yan put aside their personal grudges and jointly fought against Emperor Liang, realizing their wish to protect Yueluo and establish a better dynasty.

Country: China

Director: Zhou Jing Tao

Actors: Gao HanJeremy TsuiLandy LiRen Jia LunWen Zheng RongZhang Feng Yi

Genres: Political, Romance, Wuxia

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