Love Next Door (2024) – 엄마 친구 아들 (English subtitles)

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August 14, 2024
DNA Lover (2024) - DNA 러버 (English subtitles)
Perfect Family (2024) - 완벽한 가족 (English subtitles)

Description: Choi Seung Hyo is the most noteworthy young architect in Korea, and he runs the architecture atelier “In.” Not only is he nearly perfect as an architect, but he is also very attractive and has a great personality. Yet, Choi Seung Hyo has experienced moments that he wants to erase from his life. Those moments usually involve Bae Seok Ryu. When they were 4 years old, their moms became friends. Because of their moms, Choi Seung Hyo and Bae Seok Ryu spent a lot of time together, bathing together at a women’s bathhouse. Now, Choi Seung Hyo meets Bae Seok Ryu as an adult. While growing up, Bae Seok Ryu’s life was smooth sailing. During her school days, she never missed ranking first academically at her school. She was always passionate and energetic in the things she did. After graduating from university, she was hired by a large company. She worked hard as a project manager, but for some reason, she quit her job. She has been unemployed since then. She meets Choi Seung Hyo. Written by Namuwiki

Country: South Korea

Director: Yoo Je Won

Actors: Jang Young-namJo Han-chulJun Suk-hoJung Hae-inJung So-minKim Ji EunLee Seung-hyubLee Seung-joonPark Ji-youngYoon Ji-on

Genres: Comedy, Romance

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