Lost Love in Times (Cantonese) – 醉玲瓏

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February 20, 2018
Lost Love in Times (Cantonese) - 醉玲瓏 - Episode 01
Shuttle Love Millennium (Cantonese) - 相愛穿梭千年貳:月光下的交換

Description: Feng Qingchen (Cecilia Liu) is a sorceress of Mingyi Tower, the secret organization tasked with protecting the royal family. Yuan Ling (William Chan) is a prince from Western Wei, a ruling kingdom during the Northern and Southern dynasties. Yuan Zhan (Xu Haiqiao), the seventh prince, is Yuan Ling’s biggest competitor in both power and love.

After getting to know each other, Feng Qingchen is impressed by Yuan Ling’s abilities and suppresses her feelings for the sake of seeing him ascend his rightful position. Despite Qingchen’s contributions to the kingdom, the court is vehemently against Yuan Ling marrying a woman who dabbles in black magic. Yuan Zhan launches a coup on the day of the wedding ceremony, and Qingchen uses her powers to reset the universe in an effort to prevent further bloodshed. Qingchen is eventually able to heal the rift between Yuan Ling and Yuan Zhan, allowing them to join hands to overthrow the corrupt officials and return peace to the land.


Language: Cantonese
Country: China
Cast:  Cecilia Liu, William Chan

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