Live Your Own Life (2023) – 효심이네 각자도생 (English subtitles)

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September 17, 2023
Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramun (2023) - 아라문의 검 (English subtitles)
The Escape of the Seven (2023) - 7인의 탈출 (English subtitles)

Description:Lee Hyo Shim is a skilled fitness trainer at her local gym, but, despite her top physical form, she’s bent under the weight of providing for her family. After her father walked out, it had been up to her to support her mother and three brothers. While this task might have been noble when she was younger, after years of thanklessly slaving for her family, she’s ready to finally live for herself.

Country: South Korea

Director: Kim Hyeong-il

Actors: Go Joo-wonHa JunIm Ji-eunKim Doh-yonLee Ga-yeonLee Joo-wonLee Kwang-giNam Bo-raNam Sung-jinSeol Jung-hwan

Genres: Family, Melodrama, Romance

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