Listening Snow Tower (Mandarin) – 聽雪樓

Like This Video 2023
May 7, 2019
Le Coup de Foudre (Mandarin) - 我只喜歡你
Seven Days (Mandarin) - 七日生

Description: 听雪楼 / Tingxue Tower / Ting Xue Lou / Yin Xue Lou
A story that follows the master of Listening Snow Tower and the woman that he loves. He is a martial arts expert known to be a dragon among men and she is known as the blood demon’s daughter.

The Bai Yue Sect is a poison to mankind and the source of disaster in the pugilistic world. Bai Di, Xue Gu, and Xue Mo who are three of the most powerful martial arts experts in Wulin join hands with Xiao Shi Hui to defeat Bai Yue. Hua Lian, the sect leader of Bai Yue, makes use of a sacred bell to intrude Xue Mo’s mind, thus forcing him to kill his wife with his own hands before taking his own life.

Bai Di takes in Xue Mo’s orphaned daughter Shu Jing Rong as his disciple. She grows up with her martial brothers Qin Lan, Qing Yu and Xue Gu’s favored disciple Xiao Yi Qing who is the son of Xiao Shi Hui. When Jing Rong discovers that she is cursed with a fate that brings others misfortune, she becomes overwhelmed with guilt. Shu Jing Rong takes her father’s Blood Rose Sword with her to join Listening Snow Tower. Together with the young master Xiao Yi Qing, they put up a fight against Bai Yue Sect.

拜月教荼毒众生、为祸江湖,武林三大高手白帝、雪谷、血魔携手听雪楼楼主萧逝水对战拜月。拜月教主华莲与大祭司联手,用圣物护花铃,侵入血魔心神,令其杀妻自刎。血魔女儿舒靖容被白帝收入门下,与师兄青岚青羽、雪谷爱徒萧逝水之子萧忆情一起长大。师兄青岚和师父白帝的相继离世,令舒靖容发现自己是不详之身的预言,自责不已。舒靖容拿走父亲血魔留下的血薇剑加入听雪楼,与少楼主萧忆情携手剿灭霹雳堂,对抗不断作恶的拜月楼,维护百姓平安。 拜月教护法孤光被策反,帮助萧忆情解开萧逝水留下的无字之书,获知当年父母死因的萧忆情,立誓要为父母报仇。萧忆情和舒靖容联手,铲除了拜月教,还世人以太平江湖。萧舒二人终不离不弃,生死相许。

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