Limited Education – 教束

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June 10, 2019
Retire to Queen - 退休女皇
Big White Duel - 白色強人

Description: 教束 – Limited Education
Matthew College is a famous school in the New Territories.Teachers and students are spared to fight for the upper reaches in a meltingpot that is weak and strong. Lu Wenda (Lu Sir), a Chinese teacher and 5C classteacher, taught Chinese at the Matthew College for five years. In the sameyear, he set foot on the faculty for the sake of his life. He had the invisiblepressure to build a family, take care of the two old people, and he longed fora long contract. In the iron rice bowl, the performance of the school hasalways been unsatisfactory. Not only has it not been promoted, but it has beenrepeatedly criticized by the school, bullied by the Chinese director Louis, andcrowded out by colleagues. The previous student unions of Matthew College havealways been the bag of elite classes, but this year there has been a dramaticreversal. 5C class Mai Haoxian (Sin Tsai) and Zhuang Zimin, two people andelite students became a raging fire, and a group of students who were labeledas losers by the school formed a prime cabinet “not old knight”, andLu Sir helped each other and successfully broke Monopoly is elected to thestudent union. The new principal, Liang Wenhai, plans to convert the schoolinto direct capital in the name of guaranteeing the quality of admission andimproving the quality of teaching. As the first graduate, Lin’s deputy schoolbelieves that direct investment is against the idea of ​​running a school. Idon’t want the school to become aristocratic, try to stop it, and let thelong-term force force Lu Sir to serve her, together with the home economicsdepartment, music department, and training teacher. “Not a knight”,against the direct-funded teachers including the Chemistry, Liberal Studies andComputer Science, secretly deducted Liang Wenhai.

馬修書院是一間新界地區名校,老師、學生無一幸免地在一個汰弱留強的大熔爐中 力爭上游。中文科老師兼5C班班主任盧文達 (盧Sir) 於馬修書院任教中文科五年,當年為了糊口而踏上教職員之途,有著成家立室、照顧兩老等無形壓力,他渴求一紙長約鐵飯碗,奈何教績一直強差人意,非但未獲晉升機會,更是屢被校方批評、被中文科主任Louis欺壓、被同事排擠,一直徘徊在淘汰邊緣。馬修書院歷屆學生會向來是精英班的囊中物,但今年卻出現戲劇性的逆轉局面。5C班麥浩賢(賢仔)與莊子民,二人與精英學生勢成水火,聯合一眾被學校標籤為失敗者的同學組成了素人內閣「不老騎士」,加上盧Sir妙計相助,成功打破壟斷當選學生會。新任校長梁文海以保障收生質素、提高教學品質為名,計劃將學校轉為直資。身為首屆畢業生,林副校認為轉直資有違辦學理念,不想學校變得貴族化,設法阻止,更以長約威迫盧Sir為她效命,聯同家政科、音樂科、訓導老師和「不老騎士」,對抗包括化學科、通識科和電腦科在內的直資派老師,暗中施計拉倒梁文海。

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): ViuTv
Country: Hong Kong



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