Like Flowers in Sand (2023) – 모래에도 꽃이 핀다 (English subtitles)

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December 18, 2023
The Lonely Warrior (2023) - 三大队 (English subtitles)
Derailment (2023) - 脱轨 (English subtitles)

Description: Kim Baek Doo participates in the traditional Korean wrestling sport of ssireum and is a member of the ssireum team for the Geosan County Office. Baek Doo was born as the youngest son of a prestigious ssireum family. In the past, he was known as a genius like ssireum wrestler, but not anymore. He is thinking about retiring from the sport altogether. One day, Baek Doo meets his childhood friend Oh Yoo Kyung and has a turning point in his ssireum life. Yoo Kyung and Baek Doo grew up together in Geosan County. She begins to work as a leader of the management team for the ssireum team, which is on the verge of disbanding. Meanwhile, they have people around them like Min Hyun Wook, who suddenly appears at Geosan County and adjusts well to life here, and Joo Mi Ran, who is a mysterious cafe owner. There’s also the new coach, Kwak Jin Soo, of the ssireum team and Cho Seok Hee, who is Baek Doo’s best friend and works as a police constable.

Country: South Korea

Director: Kim Jin-woo

Actors: Choi Moo-sungHwang Seok-jeongJang Dong YoonJang Young-namKim Bo-raLee Jae-joonLee Joo-myungLee Ju-seungWoo HyeonYun Jong-seok

Genres: Comedy, Drama, Mystery

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