Let Me Understand Your Language (Mandarin) – 让我听懂你的语言

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March 30, 2019
Let Me Understand Your Language (Mandarin) - 让我听懂你的语言 - Episode 01
Without Her, Even Hero Is Zero (Mandarin) - 我是顾家男

Description: Rang Wo Yin Dong Ni De Yu Yan
A story that follows a man who discovers a new way of living after he falls in love with a Dai girl and its people.

From the moment he fell in love with Yu Bo (Lu Yixuan), Xu Haoran (Roy Chiu) grew to appreciate the Dai people’s culture, their positivity and their philosophy towards nature and towards life. He starts to pour his passion and focus towards protecting the rainforest and the animals.

Not one to be confined, Xu Haoran never expected to fall for a Dai girl and he never imagined that falling in love would be so hard. Yu Bo has just drank the cross-cupped wine with Yan Long (Yuan Wei), a man from her tribe who has been pursuing her. His girlfriend Han Wenwen is unwilling to accept that she has lost in love. Moreover, Yu Bo’s aunt turns out to be the woman that his father abandoned a long time ago. Even as he finds solutions for his problems, it is said that to love is easy but to stay together is difficult. Will he overcome the challenges to be with the woman that he loves?

大学毕业又到国外镀金两年的上海富二代青年徐浩宁(邱泽饰),为躲避自己惹下的麻烦和父亲的责备,只身来到西双版纳投奔前女友张美嘉(陈洁)和哥哥张泽尚(王伟源)),他认识了纯美的傣族女孩玉波(陆怡璇 饰)和小伙子岩龙(原维),深深地被西双版纳的茫茫热带雨林、古朴傣寨和善良的傣家人所吸引,并爱上了玉波。然而,玉波与和岩龙幼时订过娃娃亲,而且,岩龙还对自己有着搭救之恩,好兄弟之间陷入了感情纠结。此时,一直想与徐浩宁重归于好的前女友张美嘉,袁艺馨则百般阻扰徐浩宁、玉波二人交往。   该剧以徐浩宁和傣家女孩玉波的爱情为主线,国外留学归来的浩宁,只身来到西双版纳创业过程中,最终为了保护西双版纳的原生态甘愿放弃个人利益付出巨额赔偿,另寻发展之路,并和玉波相爱,投身于傣寨和热带雨林、珍稀动物保护的故事,表现了西双版纳少数民族对家乡山水的热爱、对理想生活的追求、对保护自然的生态观念、对民族和谐共同发展的美好愿望。

36 Episodes
20 March 2019

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