L’Escargot – 缺宅男女

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January 5, 2019
Noblesse Oblige - 宦海奇官
K9 Cop - 警犬巴打

Description: Renovation contractor KWAN KA-ON (Miu Kiu Wai) is the elder of four siblings, while his wife SZE LONG-KIU (Sonija Kwok) is a typical housewife. Buying a house is their longtime dream. But when his eldest brother, KWAN KA-HONG’s business goes under, they shelve their plan to help him overcome his difficulties. KIU has to look for a job too. Unwilling to see ON shoulder the burden on his own, KWAN KA-LOK (Linda Chung), the third of the siblings, turns to her supervisor GAO WANG-CHIM (Michael Tse) for assistance, resulting in her taking part in an indecent proposal. Her boyfriend, TING KOON-FUNG (Ron Ng), breaks up angrily with her when he finds out about their affair. KWAN KA-WING (Him Law), the youngest of the four, prefers spending to saving and decides that he will in no circumstances help in the service of the mortgage. The family dream of buying a house turns out eventually to be a nightmare that never ends.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 2012
Cast: Michael Miu, Sonija Kwok, Michael Tse, Linda Chung, Ron Ng, Joyce Tang, Him Law, Mandy Wong, Yoyo Chen, JJ Jia, Mannor Chan, Oscar Wong

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