Legend of the Phoenix (Cantonese) – 凤弈

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November 18, 2019
Legend of the Phoenix (Cantonese) - 凤弈 - Episode 01
The Green Grass Of Home - 緣來自有機

Description: 東梁年間,凝芝入宮為太后壽宴演出時遭到陷害,幸得第一謀士魏廣相救,她亦自此難忘魏廣。之後她意外入宮成為宮女,其智慧和勇氣吸引了皇帝。而一直覬覦皇位的長公主多番出手,使凝芝和魏廣捲入了詭譎的權力遊戲中…

Language: Cantonese
Country: China
Release Date: 2019
Cast: He Hongshan, Jeremy Tsui, Cao Xiwen, Wayne Lai

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