Legend of the Condor Heroes (Cantonese) – 射鵰英雄傳2017

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August 10, 2021
Legend of the Condor Heroes (Cantonese) - 射鵰英雄傳2017 - Episode 01
The Age of Awakening - 覺醒年代

Description: 南宋官府洗劫牛家村,郭楊兩家慘遭橫禍天各一方。郭靖寄居草原,奉師命南下而結識黃蓉。楊康被劫持到金都王府後貪戀富貴,認賊作父。郭靖的武功心志隨一路遊歷不斷長進,進而報殺父深仇,救襄陽國難,成為俠之大者。

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