Lady Fan – 烽火奇遇結良緣

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January 12, 2019
May Fortune Smile On You - 財神駕到
No Reserve - 巾幗梟雄之諜血長天

Description: The story is set during a time where the Tang Dynasty was at war withher neighbour. Lei Fa is the daughter of a respected Sai Leung general.Her martial art master, the Holy Mother of Lei Mountain, tells her thatshe is destined to marry a Tang citizen (who turns out to be Sit Ding San) and their marriage will unite the two kingdoms and bring about a time of peace and harmony.

Unfortunately for her, her destined husband turns out to be Sit Ding San. His father is Sit Yan Kwai, a renowned and loyal general of the Tang Dynasty. The Sit family is very prejudiced against Sai Leung citizens, as they have long been at war against each other. Lei Fa undergoes a lot of trial and tribulations in order to win Ding San’s love, his family’s affections and the respect and loyalty of the Tang troops.





Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2004
Cast: Jessica Hsuan, Joe Ma

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