Kung Fu Monster – 武林怪兽
Description: During the Wanli Emperor’s reign in the Ming dynasty, Sun Yehe, supervisor of the Eastern Depot, was ordered to capture monsters that have escaped from the royal palace. At the same time, militia warrior Zhen Jian colludes with his martial arts junior Xiong Jiaojiao and female warrior Leng Bingbing gather a group of forest fighters to rob the silver from corrput officials. However, silver was missing, while wanted criminal criminal Feng Sihai appears along with Jianghu wanderer Wu Bai. As a bigger crisis comes, monsters are looking through it nearby.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Release Date: 2018
Director: Andrew Lau
Cast: Louis Koo, Chen Xuedong, Bao Bei’er, Zhou Dongyu, Bea Hayden
Magic to Win – 开心魔法
2494 0The Exodus – 出埃及记 Sister Cupid – 天賜良緣 Description: The world consists of five elements: gold, wood, water, fire and earth. In the wizard world of “Magic to Win”, the story also revolves around the “Five Element Wizardry”, portraying a story
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny – 臥虎藏龍:青冥寶劍
1993 0CJ7 – 長江七號 Line Walker (Movie) – 使徒行者 Description: After many years of solitude, renowned warrior Yu Shu Lien emerges from retirement and travels to Peking, where the legendary sword of Li Mu Bai, known as the Green Destiny, is located.
Troublesome Night II – 陰陽路之我在你左右
1320 0Throw Down – 柔道龍虎榜 Who’s the Woman, Who’s the Man – 金枝玉葉2 Description:船家肥九舅父,因時常擲樽落街誤傷途人,現正受鬼樽的陰影纏繞,如今加上這羣當黑的人,更引發出中連串詭異之事。首先,漁艇誤入一不知名鬼域,並救起一少女,只是這少女上船後半部只會驚慌,不肯道出出事原因,繼而發生一連串怪事,卒之船家被樽打暈,船亦失控在海中漂浮。漫漫長夜,肥九同鹹餅遇上另一漁艇,過去求助,竟發現艇上所有人死了,其中兩具屍體,正是胡亂邀來的怨婦及救上船的少女,二人即明白自己船上有兩個靈體,為救舅父及好友,二人冒險返回漁艇,正成功救出舅父及友之際卻發現二人已非人類,大驚,離船而去,但卒之亦不斷重覆遇事,離不開這個迷離境界。 琛仔兔死狐悲,怪自己會跟前任一樣,不得善終,決心離開電台,另謀高就,但就在送殯途中,被神婆警告,琛仔極之不安,終於在便利店外,遇上一白衣少女歐陽妙芝,追前卻失其蹤,琛疑心生暗鬼,惶惶不可終日。懷疑自己曾撞死少女,但卻找不到女屍,亦無這宗意外報告。琛決心打破宿命,創做命運,主動找神婆指示,從此積極進取,一夜,被流氓車手挑戰,琛避無可避之下,黑夜賽車。就在琛與流氓生死時速之際,白衣少女竟再出現,向二人招手,二人閃避,卒之一齊出事,流死而琛則溜落山坑,最終竟與白衣少女一起,原來女之前並非鬼魅,卻被琛撞倒,曝屍荒郊,琛雖無意,惟二人前生有緣,最終亦一起矣。電台見習生臨危受命,代替三個已死DJ,續講鬼故事,正在講得興高采烈之際,不為意幾位前輩已在一角向其招手 。
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