Kung Fu Master From Guangdong – 南龍北鳳

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January 14, 2019
Be Home For Dinner - 誰家灶頭無煙火
Welcome To The House - 高朋滿座

Description: The tale aims at revealing the Kung fu Master WONG KI YING’s life and his righteous character. YING and his colleagues are respected as the “Ten Tigers of Guangdong”. The tale is played by Wong Yat Wa, Felix, Leung Tsang, Jay, Lau Kam Ling, Kwok Jing Hung and Kung Fu Masters from the Mainland China. The tale is shot at Yunan Kunming. Audiences will be astonished by the stylish fighting and special landscapes. One will be deeply impressed by it. The corrupted government of late Qing Dynasty makes people suffer. WONG KI YING’s (Wong Yat Wa, Felix) family runs an herbal medicine shop. He is righteous young man who is willing to fight for justice. He learns kung fu form LUK AH CHOI, who is respected as “King of Fighters in the South”, and becomes a good combatant. TIN WAI NAM’s (Leung Tsang, Jay) father was defeated. For her father’s fame, NAM goes to Guangdong where she comes across YING. After overcoming several difficult situations, YING and NAM become good friends. SUNG YI MAN (Lau Kam Ling) is brought up in a rich family. She admires YING but YING loves NAM. At the same time, the love affairs are further complicated as TIT KIU SAM (Kwok Jing Hung) also admires MAN… MONG KU KAT YI is appointed Provincial Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. He pretends to be a scholar but in fact he is a good fighter. He makes use of White Lotus Sect to torture people under his rule. MIU CHEUK FUNG killed NAM’s father. He meets CHOI and discusses with CHOI as they want to kill Mong. However they are killed by MONG in the duel. Before they die, they teach YING and NAM martial arts. Finally YING uses Tiger-Crane-Punch to trash White Lotus Sect and spoils MONG’s trick. He even figures out Invincible Kicks with NAM’s assistance and kills MONG. Though they manage to realize CHOI and MIU’s last wishes, they do not know how to handle the triangular entanglement. What will they do at last?

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 1999
Cast: Jade Leung,Derek Jing Hung Kok,Yat Wa Wong,Kam Ling Lau

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