Keep Calm And Be A Superstar 2018 – 卧底巨星

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July 1, 2018
PG Love - PG戀愛指引 (2016)
How to watch drama, movies, shows on Mobile App

Description: ZHU from China, as a huge fan of Hong Kong cinema, has always dream of become a cop like in the movies, who unfortunately failed the fitness exam in China’s Police Force selection because of asthma.

Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Release Date: 2018
Director: Vincent Kok
Cast:  Eason Chan, Ronghao Li, Danny Chan Kwok-Kwan, Hui Siu-Hung, Wilfred Lau, Tenky Tin Kai-Man, Chris Collins, Edward Ma, Lam Tze-chung

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