Karma Rider – 師父.明白了

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December 27, 2018
The Final Combat - 蓋世豪俠
Highs and Lows - 雷霆掃毒

Description: Two parties are meant to fall in love but not be together, leading one to die and one to regret. Surprisingly, after three hundred years, such a legend recurs in the hometown of Liang Zhu – the Butterfly Lovers.

Losing his parents at a young age, CHOR YAT-CHIN (Raymond Wong) was rescued by his lifesaver, so he vows to grow up to be a constable, upholding justice and punishing evil.  On his first day to report for duty, he solves a major case, which makes the chief constable CHING YING-HUNG (Mat Yeung) so jealous that he deliberately dispatches YAT-CHIN to catch a murder suspect WAN TIN-BONG (Mak Cheung Ching).  As such, different characters are drawn into a complicated and confusing predestined relationship.

While tracking down TIN-BONG, YAT-CHIN comes across a thief, FOON HEI (Priscilla Wong).  Being in opposition to each other as constable and thief, the two are utterly incompatible, but FOON HEI has saved YAT-CHIN over and over again.  In light of YAT-CHIN’s constant dreams of Liang Zhu, FOON HEI, together with her sisters FOON SIU (Cilla Kung) and FOON CHING (Leung Ka Ki), shape herself as an incarnation of Zhu Yingtai, in hopes that YAT-CHIN will believe their love is predestined.  Out of the blue, with a sudden appearance of a wealthy businesswoman WU DIP (Yoyo Chen), YAT-CHIN is unable to extricate himself from the unrequited love. Later on he even becomes love sick as if he were Liang Shanbo, collapsing after a setback. Meanwhile, his lifesaver of a young age shows up in front of him again…
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 15 July 2013
Cast: Raymond Wong, Priscilla Wong, Evergreen Mak, Yoyo Chen, Cilla Lok, Law Lan, Leung Ka Kei, KK Cheung, Amy Fan, Matt Yeung, Whitney Hui, Rachel Kan, Mikako Leung
Genre: Romance, Mystery, Fantasy

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