Kamiwaza Wanda – 超能旺達

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June 26, 2017
Kamiwaza Wanda - 超能旺達 - Episode 01
Ultraman Orb (Cantonese) - 超人Orb

Description: The story is set in a world where every event has been turned into programs, and mysterious monsters known as “Promin” maintain the world. However, many Promin who have turned into bugs known as “Bugmin” are responsible for many of the world’s real-life bugs. Left alone, they may eventually turn into a big problem. The boy Yuuto encounters the space dog Wanda, and the pair use a camera-like device and key items to capture Bugmin. Promin themselves are able to do things like “accelerate objects,” “spew fire,” or “create objects,” through an ability known as “Kamiwaza” (miracle), and are able to fend off Bugmin with it. At first, the Bugmin only cause small, bothersome things, but it will soon elevate into a global scale threat. Can one boy and one dog save the world?

當今,世間的一切事物全都程序化,並由一種奇妙生物所驅動著。事實上,人們周圍發生的不正常事件,都是精靈被災難程序混亂之後的產物所幹的好事。如果就這樣對這些坐視不管的話,說不定就會發生很嚴重的事情……少年勇人與突然現身的宇宙犬旺達相遇,開始出動去捕獲各種精靈怪物。最初僅僅是惡作劇程度的損害,也逐漸擴大到了地球規模……究竟這一個人和一隻狗能否拯救地球! ?

Language: Cantonese
Country: Japan

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