Justice Sung 2 – 狀王宋世傑2 – Episode 25

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December 2, 2018
Justice Sung 2 - 狀王宋世傑2 - Episode 26
Justice Sung 2 - 狀王宋世傑2 - Episode 24

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Justice Sung 2 – 狀王宋世傑2

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Doomed to Oblivion – 鄭板橋 Justice Sung – 狀王宋世傑 Description: 當日慈禧太后下旨置宋世傑(張達明)一家於死地,傑遂帶妻玲瓏(郭藹明)及兒子祖隱姓埋名居於某窮村內,一直相安無事;後因孤女小白菜(姚樂怡)的出現,傑身份被迫暴露,幸得恭親王(李子雄)以免死金牌保命三年,更因此成為朝廷御用大狀,替百姓申冤。 傑重踏公堂,官司接踵而來,其中有:「鐵頭將軍」、「鬼兇手」、「殺降」及「天國逆子」等奇案,後傑因揭發恭親王的得意門生、新科狀元雪林(魏駿傑)弒母殺妹,令恭親王蒙羞,二人關係轉壞。時菜與傑好友明(黃智賢)被陷入獄,傑為公義竟願代表大英帝國與恭親王對簿公堂!但傑如獲勝,將成大清千古罪人,必死無疑,究竟他會如何抉擇? Language: Cantonese Production company(s): TVB Country: Hong Kong Times: 32 Episodes Release Date: 1999 Cast: Cheung Tat Ming, Amy Kwok, Sherming Yiu, Dayo Wong

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