Justice Pao – 包青天

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June 20, 2016
The Turbulent Decade - 黃金十年
The Trust Of A Life Time - 情事緝私檔案


Description: The just and honest Justice Pao (Dick Loong) was back! In this new series, he would again be investigating into various cases. Ngor (Irene Wan) was accused by her own husband to have killed her secret lover. She pleaded innocence. Could Justice Pao help clear her name? By chance, Pao met Sam (Mai Suet) who had saved his life years ago. He discovered that Sam’s husband was framed and was sentenced to death. Pao doubted the case and sent his man, Chiu (Felix Wong) to investigate into it. Could Pao save Sam’s hushand in time? Other tough cases awaiting Pao were: ‘Mismatched Marriage’, ‘Son Killing Father’, ‘Spirits of Snow and Plum’ and ‘Bleeding Phoenix’. 無綫製作的「包青天」劇集,有眾多紅星演出,呂有慧、溫碧霞、梁小冰、古巨基、惠英紅、錢小豪、米雪、尹揚明等等,陣容頂盛,一時無兩! 本劇分為多個故事:「花蝴蝶」:俠盜「花蝴蝶」出現江湖,專殺好色土豪,原來「花蝴蝶」與戲班女伶人「花鵲」同是一人,他男扮女裝的身份背後更揭開一段血海深仇。「夫證妻兇」:民女柳月峨被捲入謀殺案中,其夫白桐更挺身指証峨與舊相好挾帶私逃,人証物証俱在,並殺死其妹白葉,葉屍身旁的包袱又證實是峨所繡,峨百辭莫辯,究竟娥能否洗脫嫌疑呢? 「忘情酒坊」:俠義女子杜十三娘曾救包拯脫險。數年後,包拯於一案中再遇十三娘,乃派展昭追查疑點,包拯再度升堂,而案中被告更是十三娘之夫。包拯發現事有蹺蹊,即最後包拯又可否助十三娘之夫尋冤得雪呢?包青天還會審辣手案件如「揮淚斬公孫」、「假琥珀」、「親子情仇」、「七子護京華」、「錯配良緣」、「弒父奇案」、「雪魄梅魂」、「泣血鳳凰」、「俠情」等等,務使冤情得以昭雪,正義再彰人間!

Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 80 Episodes
Release Date: 1995

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