Just Love 2 – 老婆大人 2

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January 12, 2018
Family Fortune - 家山有福
Filthy Rich - 豪門插班生

Description: Career-minded magistrate KO HEI MAN (Jessica Hsuan) gains fullsupport from her loyal husband KOT KWOK KWONG (Sunny Chan) so that sheis able to concentrate fully on her works. At court, MAN stronglybelieves that everyone is equal before the law and she tackles everychallenge confidently. At home, she never bothers about the householdduties which are all taken by husband and any complaints filed bymother-in-law. MAN just takes things for granted but fate continuouslyto convince her that law cannot be applied to every situation.

MAN feels sympathized with HO SAU SAU (Joyce Tang) who suffers fromslight mental disorders. Trying to help, MAN allows her to come intoher family but this creates an opportunity for SAU to replace MAN’srole as a wife and a mother completely. KWONG is seriously injuredduring a car accident. His relative KOT TAK WAN (Johnson Lee) lecturesKWONG how to fight against MAN and this leads to serious communicationbreakdown between the couple. Swindler HO SHI FU (Benz Hui) appears inMAN’s life as a hopeless villain from the lower class but he is in factthe father of a senior official.

“Just Love II” is a story about law and human nature. How would the couple tide over the difficulties?

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 25 Episodes
Release Date: 2009
Cast: Jessica Hsuan, Sunny Chan, Joyce Tang, Patrick Tang, Selena Li
Genre: TV Series

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