It Runs In The Family – 孖仔孖心肝

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February 16, 2016
It Runs In The Family - 孖仔孖心肝 - Episode 01
Twilight Investigation - 囧探查過界

itrunsinthefamilyDescription: A pair of twin brothers Wang Ming Cheng ( Lau Ching Wan) and Wang Li on ( Stephen Chow) lost childhood . Adult and mother had each other, it was old and rude Lee Hui ( Leung Ka Yan ornaments ) adoption, renamed Lu fine . As is the new director of the film world , people have a gimmick shrewd , aggressive ; Conditions of Babel brokerage , hearty character with a sense of justice. Under thetwo met by chance and live together in a house , but I do not know the true identity. Fine in love with his childhood friend Fang Jianan ( Amy Chan ornaments ) , Jia Nan is the name of a subsidiary , the name of a favorite for a long time, the two brothers is more sudden, some tangled love triangle . Lu Jia -hui met Zhuo Ling Nan ‘s aunt , her man with a noble upbringing, and Hui belong to two worlds, but honest and loyal manto enjoy his age , and he finally started a romance . Two brothers finally recognize , but different characters and feel the diaphragm. After the name of a business partnership with a friend , but cheated andget involved tribulation fine understand the precious brotherhood with the people of Shi plan to rescue the brother .


Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 15 Episodes
Release Date: 19 July 1990
Cast: Sean Lau, Stephen Chow, Bryan Leung, Amy Chan, Anna Ng

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