Investigation Couple (English subtitles) – 검법남녀

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May 13, 2018
Come and Hug Me (English subtitles) - 이리와 안아줘
Secret Mother (English subtitles) - 시크릿 마더

Description: This drama is about a forensic doctor and prosecutor who work together to catch a serial killer.

Baek Bum (Jung Jae Young)is a forensic doctor with 10 years of experience at the National Forensic Service. Although his skills are recognized and he has performed the most autopsies in Korea, he is eccentric and has a picky personality. Meanwhile, Eun Sol (Jung Yoo Mi)is a prosecutor working in the 8th Eastern District. As she was born into a wealthy family and possesses photographic memory, the detective is a warm, sensitive character who aims to connect with people’s hearts and pursue the truth.
Jung Jae Young, Jung Yoo Mi, Lee Yi Kyung, Park Eun Suk, Stephanie Lee, Ahn Suk Hwan
Noh Do Chul
32 Episodes
14 May 2018

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