In The Chamber Of Bliss – 蔡鍔與小鳳仙

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December 12, 2018
In The Chamber Of Bliss - 蔡鍔與小鳳仙 - Episode 01
Pages Of Treasures - Click入黃金屋

Description: Military Governor CHOI NGOK (Lau Chung Yan) has been attempting to overthrow the Yuen Sai Hoi government. To facilitate his plan to stage an uprising in Yunnan, he means to approach the sought-after courtesan CHEUNG FUNG WAN (Chow Hoi Mei), nicknamed SIU FUNG SIN, pretending to be fooling around all of the time so as to avoid suspicion of him. YUEN SAI HOI (Law Lok Lam), who has grave doubts about NGOK, sends Chief of Staff MOK YIK TIN (Lam Ka Wah) to spy on him. Later he even lures NGOK’s wife PAK SZ TING (Tin Yui Nei) to Beijing, hoping that this will make the man pledge his loyalty to the government. To ensure the success of the revolutionary movement, NGOK carries on his affair with WAN as a camouflage, without realizing that she is seriously in love with him. WAN is ready to give up everything just to be with NGOK while NGOK has always been cold and distant towards her. Soldier YUE YAM KWOK (Ma Kwok Ming) feels for WAN and would like to get her out of the place. Sadly WAN turns him down, for her love for NGOK is so much stronger than one can ever imagine… “In the Chamber of Bliss” illustrates an epic tale of love and revolution, passion and pain, and trust and distrust…

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2009
Cast: Damian Lau, Kathy Chow, Dominic Lam, Kenneth Ma, Kristal Tin, Angela Tong, Toby Leung, Law Lok-lam

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