I May Love You (2023) – 对你不止是喜欢 (English subtitles)

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November 25, 2023
I May Love You (2023) - 对你不止是喜欢 (English subtitles) - Episode 01
Chase the Truth (2023)

Description: For several years, screenwriter Tang Xin has been in love with her manager Tang Yu—even though he is smitten with her best friend! She’s been bottling up her emotions, hoping nobody will discover her secret. That all changes one fateful day when her friend finally tells Tang Yu she isn’t interested in him. Tang Xin plucks up the courage to confess her true feelings to her boss; who promptly rejects her! Crestfallen, Tang Xin decides to turn over a new leaf – and hands in her resignation. But Tang Yu doesn’t want Tang Xin to leave the company, and tries to convince her to stay. Can he do it? And, despite the ensuing awkwardness, could love come calling for this duo?

Country: China

Director: Liu DongYi Lin

Actors: Fan JinweiHuang RiyingMiles WeiYang ShizeZhang Mu Xi

Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance

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