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How Hard To Cook? – 煮餐飯有幾難

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How Hard To Cook? – 煮餐飯有幾難 – Episode 01 TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2016 – TVB馬來西亞星光薈萃頒獎典禮2016 Description: 本節目為天下每天默默為家人付出,但又得不到家人認同、全年無休的煮婦們平反!找來4位輕視媽媽天天煮飯辛勞的衰女。當親身體驗過煮餐飯的難處,少女們為當日的無知而感到歉疚,知道媽媽煮婦們的偉大,珍惜感恩那位每天為家人費周章的心思! Language: Cantonese Production company(s): TVB Country: Hong Kong

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