House of Harmony and Vengeance – 耀舞長安

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May 19, 2016
House of Harmony and Vengeance - 耀舞長安 - Episode 01
To Get Unstuck in Time - 隔世追兇


Description: Ko Yan is a prodigious music composer, who had been preparing take office in Cheuk Lai Yuen in Chang’an. Kiu Bo-lung is a wandering musician, and was on the run because he had killed a corrupt government official. Incidentally, the two of them ran into each other, and Ko Yan became the scapegoat for Kiu Bo-lung, and took his identity, becoming an official. Unexpectedly, Ko Yan did not die, by some miracle, but lost his memory, and began wandering around Chang’an. Bo-lung met Ko Yan once again, and having discovered that the latter had amazing potential to be a composer, Bo-lung welcomed him into Cheuk Lai Yuen, in an effort to develop his own career. The two of them then build up a mutually appreciative friendship.

Ko Yan has a fiance named Yeuk Yin, and because of a guilty conscience, Bo-lung cancelled the wedding, causing Yeuk Yin’s hatred of him to turn to love instead. Ko Yan conversely began liking her immensely, and pined for her. On the other hand, Yeuk Yin’s good sister Zoi San also joined Cheuk Lai Yuen in order to train, hoping to become a professional dancer. She and Bo-lung turn from enemies to partners… In the end, the enmity of the two men over their identities, the relationship tangle of the two women and the fate of the four of them all come to a resolution through the event organised by the Imperial Palace.

Through the song and dance of Cheuk Lai Yuen and rivalry of the dancers, the lead characters singly hunt for their own individuality and identity, self-worth and goals in life, resulting in conflict, tension, love, all making up a riveting and captivating story.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 2012
Cast: Bobby Au-yeung, Myolie Wu, Linda Chung, Mak Cheung-ching

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