Highs and Lows – 雷霆掃毒

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December 27, 2018
Karma Rider - 師父.明白了
Karma - 驚異世紀

Description: As a Senior Inspector of the Narcotics Bureau Operation Unit, HEUNG WING (Miu Kiu Wai) profoundly abhors evil.

He and WAI SAI-LOK (Raymond Lam) – Senior Inspector of the Intelligence Unit have closely co-operated with each other as peer mentors, frequently solving drug trafficking cases for the Police Force.  During an operation to knock down the targets, SAI-LOK discovers clues that HEUNG WING is most likely the corrupt cop in a collusion conspiracy with drug dealers. Apart from launching a secret investigation into HEUNG WING, SAI-LOK is also alienated from him by the evil-willed Chief Inspector of the Operation Unit – PUN HOK-LAI (Ben Wong).  Having undergone various disputes against each other, the long-term brotherly relationship between SAI-LOK and HEUNG WING appears full of contradictions.

On the other hand, following an investigation, SAI-LOK falls in love with a snitch – CHAN KA-PIK (Kate Tsui), who suffers from low self-esteem due to her humble beginning.  Deliberately denying her affection to SAI-LOK, KA-PIK gives up on him so that his secret admirer – KO HEI-SUEN (Ella Koon), a rookie police officer, can have the chance, leading to a subtle relationship among the three.  Feeling life is so dreary, KA-PIK ultimately digs her own grave by becoming a new generation of drug dealer, involved in drug trafficking and provoking the Police Force.  With intense sorrow, SAI-LOK then joins forces with HEUNG WING against KA-PIK, waging a chain of bitter battles.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 24 September 2012
Cast: Michael Miu, Elaine Ng, Raymond Lam, Ella Koon, Kate Tsui, MC Jin, Ben Wong, Lo Lok Lam, Derek Kok,Raymond Tsang, Jazz Lam, Jack Hui, Quinn Ho, Patrick Dunn, Yeung Ching Wah
Genre: Action, Crime, Police

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