Heartfall Arises – 惊天破
Description: Heartfall Arises follows two Chinese chess masters who have been entangled in several serial murder cases in relation to the effect of organ transplants. John Ma (Nicholas Tse) a brave cop, and Calvin Che (Sean Lau) a criminal psychologist brought together are under the great threat and struggle to define all means evolved from the killings. Their final confrontation will uncover the lead behind the scene but will also put numerous innocent people in great danger than it is ever known before.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 108 Minutes
Release Date: 2006
Director: Wu Pinru
Cast: Nicholas Tse, Sean Lau, Tong Liya, Mavis Fan, Vengo Gao
A Chinese Ghost Story – 倩女幽魂
1959 0A Chinese Ghost Story II – 人間道 DEATH TRAP – 咫尺疑魂 (2003) Description: 书生宁采臣(张国荣饰)收账不成,无处可归,遂夜宿鬼寺兰若寺,遇上侠士燕赤霞(午马饰),二人成为邻居。一日偶遇艳女小倩(王祖贤饰),二人两情相悦,但小倩乃是被树妖姥姥控制的鬼魂,专门迷惑精壮男子代姥姥吸取阳气。小倩见宁采臣心地善良不忍加害,并与他感情逐渐加深。宁采臣欲救小倩脱离姥姥魔掌,但苦于姥姥功力深厚,小倩无法脱离其魔掌。二人遂向燕赤霞求救….. 导演: 程小东 编剧: 阮继志 主演: 张国荣 / 王祖贤 / 午马 / 刘兆铭 / 林威 / 更多… 类型: 爱情 / 奇幻 / 武侠 / 古装 制片国家/地区: 中国香港
Three – 三人行
1768 0All’s Well, Ends Well – 家有囍事 (2009) The Mobfathers – 選老頂 [BS plugin=”https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bw91jv3x5U2eQ0NHQlRZSmFZMDQ”] Description: Realizing that he will be defeated in no time during a police showdown, a thug shoots himself to force the cops to cease fire and take
Detective Conan: Zero The Enforcer – 名偵探柯南:零的執行人
1564 0To The Fore – 破風 Deception Of The Novelist – 作家的謊言:筆忠誘罪 Description:東京高峰會於於5月1日在東京灣的「海之邊緣」展開,出動了過萬警力進行維安,但高峰會前夕卻發生爆炸事故。爆炸現場的證物上的指紋,竟與毛利小五郎的指紋一致。為了釐清真相並替毛利洗脫冤罪,江戶川柯南著手調查,卻遭毛利的徒弟安室透處處阻止。原來私家偵探「安室透」有著多重身份,同時是黑暗組織的臥底成員「波本」,以及隸屬警察廳公安組織的「降谷零」。
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