Heart of Greed – 溏心風暴

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December 15, 2015
Heart of Greed - 溏心風暴 - Episode 01
The Couples - 不是冤家不聚頭

Heart_of_GreedDescription: Tong Yan-Gai owns a dried sea-products and abalone store. He is married to Ling Hau and also has a second wife called Wong Sau-Kam. He has 4 children: Tong Chi-On, Tong Chi-Yat, Tong Chi-Yan, through the second wife and Tong Chi-Foon. Hau had cancer and did not expect to survive and wanted Gai to be happy with another woman. Hau wanted Kam to take care of him after she died, but fortunately she recovered. Kam thinks that she has no power in the family because she has no true status (she is not truly legally married to Gai) and becomes a woman stirring a range of petty acts that tend to haunt her in full circles. She seeks the family fortune and in order to do that she causes trouble in the family. Hau, a wise lady pulled the family back together and turned their frowns into smiles. However, Hau becomes extremely frustrated and angry at Kam and expels her from the house, and this lead into Hau’s cancer resurface, and she continually faints. One day in the hospital, Hau lies on her deathbed, and Kam comes to beg for forgiveness for her past actions. She is unable to speak, but she finally mutters a few words only audible to the ears of Tong Chi-Foon. Her words are putong punyao, which means “ordinary friend.” Foon, however, lies to everybody and says that Hau said that Kam is forgiven. The incentive of this is because Foon’s mother has put much pressure on him to secure her a position in the family again.
It seems like a peaceful family, but Kam starts planning evil ideas with Sheung Joi-Duk and together they cause a lot of trouble in the family. They plotted for years to find a means to take the family fortune and even created public false accusations about her own family in the media. Kam formed her own support group from the worst family members and in-laws to help plot against the Tong household to gain their family fortune. After much careful planning and even going as far as contaminating public opinion about the Tong family, she drove Gai into severe illness and eventually death from stroke. Kam and Duk begin a long war against the Tong family in an attempt to invalidate the family will to take the family fortune for their own as a way to punish the Tong family’s “mistreatment” towards her. The family is in mayhem for once and they have only one person who can help them, a lawyer, Sheung Joi-Sum, who is also an excellent friend of Tong Chi-On and Tong Chi-Yan, the good person.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 40 Episodes
Release Date: 9 April 2007
Cast: Louise Lee, Ha Yu, Susanna Kwan, Moses Chan, Michelle Yim, Linda Chung, Tavia Yeung, Raymond Lam,Bosco Wong, Fala Chen, Chris Lai, Louis Yuen, Yoyo Mung
Genre: Modern Sitcom, Family

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