Heard It Through the Grapevine – 풍문으로 들었소

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February 25, 2015
Heard It Through the Grapevine - 풍문으로 들었소 - Episode 01 (English subtitles)
Blood - 블러드

Heard-It-Through-the-Grapevine-Poster1Description: This is a black-comedy drama depicting a prestigious family whose lives are suddenly shaken because of a rumor about their teenage son impregnating his schoolmate.

Choi Yun Hee (Yoo Ho Jung) and Han Jung Ho (Yoo Joon Sang) are a wealthy couple from a prestigious family. Their reputation suddenly turned upside down because of their son’s relationship with an ordinary girl. The girl, Seo Bom (Go Ah Sung), determined to endure the humiliation and isolation from the family for the sake of her child’s future while the son, Han In Sang (Lee Joon), struggles between his love for Seo Bom and his family’s high expectation.
Language: Korean
Production company(s): Paulownia
Country: Korea
Times: 32 Episodes
Release Date: 23 February 2015
Director: Ahn Pan Suk
Cast: Yoo Ho Jung, Lee Joon, Go Ah Sung, Yoo Joon Sang
Genre: Romance

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