Healing Hands 2 – 妙手仁心2

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April 15, 2017
Legend of the Condor Heroes 2017 (Cantonese) - 射鵰英雄傳
The Biter Bitten - 人生馬戲團

Description: Following the storyline of Healing Hands I, Henry (Bowie Lam), the unruly doctor, and his clever and calm lawyer girlfriend Annie (Flora Chan) still keep as a perfect lover yet don’t want to live together. On the other hand, Anne’s brother Manyue Jiang (William So),passes away of Aids. A few months before his death, he picked a puppy on the street and gave it in different homes for caring. Chuangye Cheung(Nick Cheung) and Shuyin Zhou (Angela Tong) are married in U.K and got settled. Another couple, the talkative and positive Jiayu Cheung (StevenMa) and Shaoxia Ling (Astrid Chan), they work in a faraway village in Africa. Although other guys are separated by time, Paul Chan (Lawrence Ng)still devotes to his job and keeps his life motto of saving patients from death. He also waits for his girlfriend Jackie Tong (Ada Choi) to awake from two years’ coma. Under the management of Xiaoqi Law (Joe Cheung),the president of the hospital, everything in the hospital goes smoothlyand peacefully. Such peace is finally challenged because of three youngand talented doctors’ presence in the hospital. When they come to the hospital, they not only bring new laughter and motivations into the group, but also give a deeper understanding of life. Tracy He (Yoyo Mung), a rich girl, is the lover of the libertine doctor Manchi Lin (Moses Chan) who also comes from a rich family. However, when she meets Paul Chan (Lawrence Ng),she finally realizes what kind of love can last forever and she decidesto leave Manchi Lin for a better relationship. During a long period of working and hanging out, Henry (Bowie Lam) and his assistant Langping Ruan (Kit Chan) can’t resist the temptation of intimacy but secretly develop a relationship behind Annie (Flora Chan).Gradually, Langping Ruan feels so guilty for Annie and leaves Hong Kongalone. A few months later, Henry hears the news that Langping Ruan getspregnant and he assumes that he is the father of her baby, and then he has no choice but to tell the truth to his girlfriend Anne.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 40 Episodes
Release Date: 20 November 2000
Cast: Lawrence Ng, Bowie Lam, Yoyo Mung, Moses Chan, Kit Chan, Fiona Yuen, Maggie Shiu, Raymond Cho

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