Happy Noodle (Cantonese) – 幸福的麵條

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June 5, 2017
Happy Noodle (Cantonese) - 幸福的麵條 - Episode 01
New My Fair Princess II (Cantonese) - 還珠格格之風兒陣陣吹

Description: 當年潤美訛稱自己的兒子湖真是張林與韓國廚師恩英的孩子,湖真從此改名為張健,集張家上下寵愛於一身。恩英孩子湖水則被留在韓國的孤兒院,並改名為姜秀燦。秀燦長大後離開韓國去中國杭州尋找父親,卻遭重重阻攔……

Language: Cantonese
Country: China

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