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July 6, 2019
HAND OF HOPE - 邊緣故事 - Episode 01
Run Papa Run - 一個好爸爸

Description: 邊緣故事 – HAND OF HOPE
立仁少年時期亦是問題少年,後得社工輔導改過,而立志當一名出色的社會工作者。 大學畢業後,隨即結婚,可是一年後,其妻待產時,卻不幸遇車禍身亡;立仁只好極力掩飾內心的傷痛,表面積極、熱心投入工作,與移民回的好友錦全同住;年來仍未能接受其他女性。 在接觸、輔導不同的實少年個案期間,結識了作為督察的凱雯,倆在觀念上意見分歧,凱雯認為不可姑息問題少年,但漸漸見他們經立仁輔導下改過,開始認同其觀點,二人漸成好友,後要發展出一段愛情。 唯立仁發覺在處理個案過程中,本身亦潛伏著複雜的家庭問題及心理障礙,就如望著一面鏡子,能醫卻如何能自醫呢?一切一切,還需一顆堅毅、勇敢的平常心。
Ching Lap Yan (Lo Ka Leung) decides to become a social worker with a mission to help those in need. He and his colleagues Szeto Man (Wong Hoi Yan), Yu Ka Lok (Ngai Chun Kit), Cheng Chun Tung (Lok Ying Kwan) and Kwok Yiu Leung (Mak Cheung Ching) are all devoted to work. They hope that they could help the delinquents and have them back on the right track. The constant contacts with various broken families allow Yan to realize the problem between him and his father. He begins to take steps to bridge their gap. On the other hand, Yan falls in love with an inspector named Man (Amy Chan). How will Yan overcome his problems in work, family and love affair?


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