Hanasaki Mai Speaks Out (Cantonese) – 花咲舞不會沉默

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September 21, 2015
Hanasaki Mai Speaks Out (Cantonese) - 花咲舞不會沉默 - Episode 01
She Was Pretty - 그녀는 예뻤다

105417_200Description: Every day, bank branches encounter various problems like missing money, information leaks, loan problems & breach of duties. Mai Hanasaki’s (Anne Watanabe) job is to go there and fix the problems. She is able to do so, even though she is just a bank clerk without higher level powers. Because of her character, Mai Hanasaki will not keep still when she sees a wrong. She’s willing to stand up for the side of the weak, regardless of the relation between the top and bottom factions of the bank.

Language: Cantonese
Country: Japan
Director: Seiichi Nagumo, Noriyoshi Sakuma, Yuma Suzuki
Cast: Jun Ikeido (novel), Yuko Matsuda, Michiru Egashira, Mika Umeda, Rie Yokota

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