Guts of Man – 蓋世孖寶

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September 15, 2018
The Awakening Story - 婚前昏後
Detective Investigation Files 4 - 刑事偵緝檔案4

Description: Tung Fei ignores his late father’s last will and sneaks out of the Taohua Village, where he grew up, without his sister Lam’s knowing it. He meets a fisherman’s son Sheung Fong on the way, He and Foon travel to the Qiantang River to see the tides. They meet a tycoon’s daughter Ying Hiu Suet and Fei falls in love with her at first sight.

Lam and Fei find ut, by chance, that their father died uncleared of a wong charge. In order to clear their father’s bad name, they settle down in Hangzhou, Lam meets an imperial guard TIK Ying Wai, who pretends to be a construction worker, during her investigation, Wai’s sworn brother was killed by the Cangzhou Five Ghosts, for the convenience of investigation, Wai hides his real identiy, During the investigation, Lam and Wai find out that her father’s deais is closely connected with the Cangzhou Five Ghosts and Suets’s father.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2006
Cast: Ron Ng, Johnson Law, Angelina Lo, Yuen Wah, Sammul Chan, Joyce Koi, Mandy Cho, Kwok Fung

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