Grow Up (Cantonese) – 長大

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September 4, 2016
Grow Up (Cantonese) - 長大 - Episode 01
Nirvana in Fire (Cantonese) - 琅琊榜

growup-p1Description:  Ye Chun Meng is a talented medical intern who is hardworking and determined, even the so-called “demon mentor”, Zhou Ming secretly acknowledges her effort. However, she feels inferior because of her poor family background as she came from a small town. Thus, there was once a time when surviving and staying in the hospital became her only life goal.

During her internship, she was once sensitive to the superior background of Chen Xi and Bai Xiao Qing, she also wavered before when faced with a temptation that can reduce 10 years of hard work in the hospital and also hesitated before in front of the tough romance between her and her mentor, Zhou Ming. But in the end, under the guidance of Zhou Ming and through the process of curing her patients, Ye Chun Meng found herself and discovers the happiness and significance of being a doctor. She finally understands the true meaning of happiness. ~~ Adapted from a web-novel with the same title.

Language: Cantonese
Country: China
Cast: Lu Yi, Bai Bai He, Jiang Maggie

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