Greed Mask – 謎情家族

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June 20, 2018
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Description: Ko Fung is the son of a very wealthy makeup company. His girlfriend Lok Pui Pui was the spokesperson for this makeup company. One day, as they were promoting new makeup, instead of dressing in the wedding gown she was supposed to wear, Pui Pui wore a red keipo and said she wanted to drink lemon tea. Then, she fainted. People believed that she was attacked by a ghost of a famous celebrity who was dead. There were already a few cases of people who would dress up as this famous celebrity and then commit suicide. Si To San is an employee of the makeup company and was invited by Ko Fung’s father for dinner at his home. Ko Fung’s father said that he was good friends with Si To San’s uncle. A few weeks later, Ko Fung’s father is found dead in his reading room. Who is the culprit? As for suspects, there are many out there. It’s up to Ko Fung, Si To San, and Zhou Yee Tong to unravel the mystery.Unless, of course, one of them is the murderer.

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 2006
Cast: Roger Kwok, Christine Ng, Annie Man, Gilbert Lam, Halina Tam, Wayne Lai
Genre: Mystery

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