Grand Theft In Tang (Mandarin) – 大唐魔盜團

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February 20, 2019
Grand Theft In Tang (Mandarin) - 大唐魔盜團 - Episode 01
The Story of Ming Lan (English subtitles) - 知否知否應是綠肥紅瘦

Description: 大唐魔盗团 / Da Tang Mo Dao Tuan
Li Tian is the leader of the grand thieves in Tang. In their search for the kylin horn, they become embroiled in the political turmoil brewing among supporters of the previous dynasty and the royal court.

Under the reign of Emperor Xuanzong, the nation and its people prospered but hiding behind the veil of peace are different factions scheming behind the scenes. It is said that the legendary kylin horn has appeared in the world. Four individuals with unique magical abilities form a team as they embark on a journey to find the treasure.

Comedy, Action
40 Episodes
20 February 2019

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