Godfather’s Daughter Mafia Blues (1991) – 烈火情仇

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April 18, 2021
Dragon Fight 1989 - 龍在天涯
Breaking News 2004 - 大事件

Description:Lung comes from China to Hong Kong in search of a new life and fortune. He is employed as a security officer by Lee at a night club that he runs. When Lee’s partner dies, his business is endangered by his partner’s son, Soufu. As retribution, Lee’s daughter May, hurts Soufu. Soufu’s anger gets the best of him, and he murders Lee. May must now make the next move in this deadly game of chess, and asks Lung to help her avenge Lee’s death. Lung hesitantly agrees, and the hunt is on to give Soufu exactly what he deserves!
Directed By: Fung Hak-On
Actors: Yukari Ôshima Mark Cheng Alex Man Ken Lo Dick Wei Benny Lai Keung-Kuen Tung Chi Fung Hak-On Wong Yu Steve Mak Fei-Hung Fung Fung Peter Yang Kwan

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