Go! Go! Go! Operation C9 – C9特工

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September 21, 2020
Legal Mavericks - 踩過界
Best Selling Secrets - 同事三分親

Description: 特工C9余小嬌所屬組織被殲滅,孤獨的小嬌邂逅菜販高大勁,婚後照顧其父高歐、姊高清麗、弟高大翹和繼子高希朗這個愛生事家庭,五年間成為不折不扣的師奶。誰知昔日拍檔、死裡逃生的B3突然出現,要求小嬌合力尋找殲滅組織的元兇。小嬌瞞着大勁一邊照顧家庭,一邊當特工,經常顧此失彼。小嬌身分暴露,惹來恐怖組織黑洞撲擊,小嬌為保護家人,奮勇抵抗黑洞。過程中,更揭發驚人真相,迫使小嬌、大勁等合力跟恐怖勢力決一死戰!

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 21 Sep 2020
Cast: Gao Haining , Ma Guoming , Li Nuoyi , Zhu Minhan ,Yuan Kitayi , Yang Zhuona , Li Jiading , Jian Shuer ,Lin Yizhen , Huang Zixiong

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