Gloves Come Off – 拳王

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January 1, 2017
River Of Wine - 九江十二坊
Infernal Affairs - 無間道

Description: TONG SAP YAT (Kevin Cheng) is a fascinating Muy Thai boxer. He and his senior KO WAI TING (Kenny Wong) trained boxing far out in Thailand. Because of his moment of greed, he went down the Black Fist path and made a mistake that would make him suffer for life. After his return to Hong Kong, he was determined to forget the past and withdraw from the boxing scene. He works as a security personnel at a sporting goods company and has been romantically attracting his female supervisor CHAI PAK FAI (Selena Li) all along. BAT KA SING (Raymond Wong) is the assistant manager at that same company and under layers of misunderstandings, the two were enemies turned friends. KA SING has a strong Muy Thai dream, which eventually revives SAP YAT’s passion for Muy Thai as well. Due to boxing, the two established a deep friendship. Not only did SAP YAT get over his past, he also made a comeback to the boxing arena. He trained KA SING and mute female boxer DING YAN CHI (Nancy Wu) in becoming boxing champions, but at the same time his senior TING’s jealousy grew into hatred. TING started to damage the friendship between SAP YAT and KA SING…
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 25 Episodes
Release Date: 16 April 2012
Cast: Kevin Cheng, Raymond Wong, Selena Li, Natalie Tong, Kenny Wong, Power Chan, Nancy Wu, Florence Kwok,Edwin Siu, Chau Chung, Angelina Lo, Catherine Chau, Wong Ching, Eric Li, Sin Ho Ying, Tsui Wing, Gregory Lee, Otto Chan, Vivi Lee, Brian Wong
Genre: Modern Drama, Action

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