Glittering Days – 東方之珠

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February 11, 2019
The Legend Of Master Chai - 濟公
Let's Face It - 無考不成冤家

Description: Gam Yin (Liza Wang) plays a former renowned Shanghai singer along with (Susanna Kwan) that make the “Three Golden Flowers”. In the description of the story, World War II broke out at that time, Gam Yin was separated from her son. Years later, Gam Yin was a teacher for a singing group in a Hong Kong bar. The prominent singer of the time, Ling Fung (Roger Kwok) and Gam Yin meet, but they do not get along at all. Every time they meet, something happens, whether it was an argument or a fight.

Chu Yuk-Lan (Charmaine Sheh) is Ling Fung’s childhood friend who has a crush on him ever since they were so young. She makes her way out of the village side to find him, but there is something with her voice. When they first meet, Lan is from a walled village in New Territories and seems woefully uneducated and naive about everything. Lan starts off as Gam Yin’s student. Due to Ling Fung’s pride, the two have difficulty getting together, with Ling Fung’s singing career in the middle. Eventually Ling Fung experiences a reverse of fortune. Ling Fung ends up selling sugar cane for a living, while Lan becomes the popular singer. Someone informs the police with indications that Fung is a swindler of love and money. The chief investigator chases this case until the death and because of this, Fung can no longer continue working in the musical world. At this time, Fung accidentally finds out that the person who informs the reporter was Yin. Later, Yin finds out that her long lost son was actually Ling Fung.


Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 2005
Cast: Liza Wang, Roger Kwok, Charmaine Sheh, Susanna Kwan, Paul Chun

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