Future X-Cops – 未來警察

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May 25, 2016
The Vanished Murderer - 消失的凶手
The Bodyguard - 特工爺爺

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Description: In 2080, in an unnamed Asian metropolis, cyborg terrorists attempt to assassinate Professor Ma (Ma Jingwu) on the tenth anniversary of his energy-saving Solar Canopy but are defeated by the cyborg cop Zhou Zhihao (Andy Lau). Zhou’s wife, Meili (Fan Bingbing) is then killed and terrorist leader Kalong (Louis Fan) and his wife Feina (Tang Yifei) manage to escape arrest. Kalong and Feina travel back in time to 2020 to try to assassinate the teenage Ma but are pursued by Zhou and his daughter Qiqi (Xu Jiao). Posing as a traffic cop, Zhou attracts the attention of policewoman Wang Xue’e (Barbie Hsu), who falls in love with him.

Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 103 Minutes
Release Date: 2010
Director: Wong Jing
Cast: Andy Lau, Barbie Hsu, Fan Bingbing, Xu Jiao, Ma Jingwu, Mike He

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