From Vegas to Macau III – 賭城風雲III

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January 24, 2019
Paris Holiday - 巴黎假期
From Vegas to Macau II - 賭城風雲Ⅱ


Description: Tania, a girl from Patiala moves to Kuwait and then to Las Vegas to start her movie career. The film starts with the ending of From Vegas to Macau II where the cardshark Ken’s (Chow Yun Fat) lifelong lover-nemesis, Molly (Carina Lau), skydives sans parachute from her private jet. She now appears to be trapped inside some sort of laser bubble — unconscious, naked and horribly airbrushed — while her admirer, mad scientist Yik Tin Hang (Jacky Cheung) fumes about making Ken pay. Over in Macau, Ken is busy having a meltdown over the wedding of the century of his daughter Rainbow (Kimmy Tong) to his godson Vincent (Shawn Yue). To help him snap out of it, his friend Mark (Nick Cheung) hypnotizes him into thinking Vincent is marrying his fat cousin. Things go very wrong when Michael (Andy Lau), the disciple of Ko Chun, phoned in with a warning to beware of Yik Tin Hang who has hired mercenaries to kill Ken. An explosion during the wedding causes both Rainbow and Vincent to fall into coma, while Ken and Mark are accused to have engulfed DOA’s illicit money. Enraged, Ken swears to seek vengeance and to pursue the mastermind who has entangled them in his evil plans.

Ken and Mark end up in prison, a convenient venue for them to play a card game using cigarettes as chips (so technically, it’s not gambling), but are then abruptly rescued and take refuge in Michael’s home in Singapore. Michael’s spacious pad, whose open layout looks suspiciously like a sound stage, serves as a cost-effective location for a lengthy stretch, while a gaggle of characters drop in and out to deliver lame gags. These range from a mildly irritating demo of wonky weapons by an ammo expert (Law Kar-ying), to a criminally infantile cake-throwing match. Two romantic arcs unfold — one between Ken’s R2-D2 doppelganger robot, Stupido, and Michael’s femme-bot, Skinny; the other a triangle involving Michael, Ko’s younger sister Ko Fei (Li Yuchun) and Mark.

When Yik Tin Hang finally arrives to exact revenge, he draws Ken & Co. into the dangerous bloodsport of … table tennis. He later invited them to a “charity” mahjong, dice and three person card game from China called Fighting the Landlord event at a Thai island resort. A host of cameos are trotted out, including Psy of “Gangnam Style” fame.

Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 112 Minutes
Release Date: 6 February 2016
Director: Andrew Lau, Wong Jing
Cast: Chow Yun-fat, Andy Lau, Nick Cheung, Li Yuchun, Jacky Cheung, Carina Lau

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