From Survivor To Healer (Mandarin) – 爱上你治愈我

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April 23, 2019
From Survivor To Healer (Mandarin) - 爱上你治愈我 - Episode 01
A Journey to Meet Love (Mandarin) - 一場遇見愛情的旅行

Description: Ai Shang Ni Zhi Yu Wo / 愛上你治癒我
It tells the love story between Psychiatrist Yan Shu Ren and Psychologist Sun Shu. While studying for his PhD, Yan Shu Ren gets to know his junior schoolmate Sun Shu and the two fall in love. But when crises arise in both parties’ families, Shu Ren drops out of school without telling Sun Shu, and Sun Shu goes to Japan to study. Five years later, both are called by their former teacher to come work at Si Kang Hospital and the two former lovers meet again. Shu Ren wants to reconcile his relationship with Sun Shu, but Sun Shu rejects him and treats him coldly. Only when Sun Shu’s mother falls ill, Sun Shu warms up to him again. Later, Shu Ren finds out that his mother died in a car accident eight years ago and starts to blame himself and questions his profession. Sun Shu helps him through these difficult times.


Genre: Romance
Director: Cao Dun
Times: 40 Episodes
Release: 17 April 2019

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