Forensic Heroes III – 法證先鋒III

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June 13, 2019
Run Papa Run - 一個好爸爸
Limited Education - 教束

Description: Senior Forensic Chemist PO KWOK TUNG (Wayne Lai) is the head of the Forensic Department and is skilled at analyzing criminal psychology. He has an unique view on human nature, familiar with the structure of various firearms. TUNG works closely with Senior Coroner CHUNG HOK SUM (Maggie Cheung) in a wide range of fields including psychology, anthropology, criminology and forensic science.

OCTB Senior Inspector LIN SIN YEE (Kate Tsui) and Chief Sergeant MOK CHAN TUNG (Ron Ng) work together cracking many murder cases. Their relationship goes from good friends ‘brothers’ to a pair of lovers.

With a backbone of 12 cases, the forensic scientists, forensic doctors and the police all work together to accommodate each other to solve these cases. The perspective in this third installment is much wider than the previous two seasons with a legal standpoint in addition to the forensics.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 10 October 2011
Cast: Wayne Lai, Maggie Cheung, Kate Tsui, Ron Ng, Aimee Chan, Nancy Wu, Edwin Siu, Ram Tseung, Geoffrey Wong,Jim Tang, Jess Shum, Otto Chan, Ruco Chan, Sammy Sum, Ronald Law, Kelvin Lee, Christine Kuo, Chris Lai, Vanko Wong, Vin Choi, Yuen Wah
Genre: TV Series, Police

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